Saturday, March 15, 2008

Variety is the spice of life

See this? Know what it is? It is a 72 cell flat full of soil seeds and markers. So in those 72 cells are 26 different kinds of tomatoes - that would be varieties, here are two cells of each 26 varieties making that at least 52 cells each containing more than one seed - the rest are peppers, eggplant and basil. Have I mentioned that I have NO LUCK with tomatoes? I would like to express my thanks to each of you for not mentioning my particular pathology previously, but I do wonder, when exactly were you going to tell me that I am a raving lunatic? When they come to haul me off clutching the brightly colored packets to my chest and insisting that all I need is one more season, then I am sure I will figure this tomato thing out.... Was it going to be then that you shook your heads and said, "Well, we knew it was just a matter of time.... Poor thing, bless her heart.... I don't suppose she would mind if I ate those leeks though now that she won't be around for a while....." Yeah, thanks. And don't forget to write.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have long been a fan of a well placed "bless her heart". In addition I find that "just sayin" can have a similar effect.