Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Overly Social?

Wow, what a whirl wind holiday! I took last Wed off work to clean the house. I got the entry hall and kitchen/dining area in presentable condition. The SB came home Wed. night with long time good friend from Maryland in tow. We went to our favorite bar to meet our friend V. Frenchstone. Whooped it up - drank too much and stayed out too late. I spent all of Thursday cooking.... Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, grapefruit salad, root veggies with ginger butter, and spoon bread. And apple cranberry pie. And other things. My friends brought fried rice, oriental veggies and roasted bruessel sprouts. All were stuffed.

We had 9 or 10 for dinner and a fabulous time was had by all (I think). We ate maybe a quarter of the turkey.

Friday we played around in the garden and ran about 6 loads of dishes. I had plans to make fresh bread for turkey sandwiches. No dice.

In the evening, a friend of the SB came to C'ville. She was retrieved from the station, welcomed with local lamb sausage, wine and Virginia ham and home made bread then whisked to aforementioned favorite bar. Where we met another friend who was in from Alabama of all places. We love her anyway. We stayed out too late and drank too much.

Saturday everyone woke up and had too much coffee then went to a friend's for brunch with her husband and family and where they plied us unmercifully with mimosas and champagne along with wild boar sausage, fresh ABC baked goods and scrambled eggs. Five hours later we were stupefied with excellent food, wine and vibrant and intelligent conversation and still managed to get out to see the exhibit at the local art museum. After that we toured Mr. Jefferson's University, shopped for books downtown and had a coffee. Then we ate leftovers. That evening we met even more friends at the Tea House. Where we drank too much and stayed up too late.

In the morning we just hung out. Guest #2 is French and made up crepes which we stuffed with fruit, meats, syrup and whatever else was around. Guests and the SB left around 3. I did laundry and then went to have dinner with my friend J, cuz I love her and cuz I was tired of leftovers. And cuz it seemed more like a break from the intensely social weekend somehow.

Although I was exhausted by socializing, I went to my neighbor G.'s tonight and had a lovely visit, which somehow didn't count toward the overwhelming surplus of socialization. Funny how spending time with really good friends is like that.

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